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Questions and answers

Coffee evokes emotions and questions, which is why we have gathered answers to the most common ones here.

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About Coffee

How much caffeine is in a cup of coffee?

The amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee depends on factors such as the dosage and the cup’s volume. It is generally stated that a small cup of coffee (135 ml) contains approximately 80 mg of caffeine. However, it can be difficult to provide an exact answer since the caffeine content also varies naturally depending on the coffee bean. Roughly speaking, arabica coffee is said to contain about 1% caffeine, while robusta coffee contains about 2%.

How should coffee be stored?

Coffee is a delicate product and is best stored in its original packaging. Coffee’s aromas are volatile, and its essential oils quickly turn rancid when exposed to oxygen in the air. In a well-sealed package stored in a dark and cool place, preferably in the refrigerator, coffee stays fresh for about 10 days.

Less discerning individuals may still find the coffee acceptable even after a month of storage. However, if coffee is exposed to air, light, and heat, its aromas can be ruined within just a few hours.

How many cups per package?

The number of cups a package of coffee yields depends partly on how strong you like your coffee and the size of your cup.

As a general rule, using 1 coffee scoop/tablespoon per 150 ml of water (6–8 g per 150 ml) should result in a standard-strength coffee. So, with a 450 g package, you can expect to get between 55 and 75 cups of coffee (depending on how much you use per cup).

What is the difference between filter coffee and French press coffee?

The key difference between filter coffee and French press coffee is the grind size. Filter coffee, or drip coffee, is finely ground, whereas French press coffee has a coarser grind.

Our ground filter coffees are designed for use in coffee makers, Aeropress, and brewing with a dripper and paper filter. The coarser grind of French press coffee, on the other hand, is especially suitable for percolators, French press brewers, Aeropress, or pour-over/drip brewing, such as with a Chemex.

French press coffee in a press pot is particularly advantageous when a smaller amount of coffee is desired, but it can also be used in traditional coffee makers.

What is the difference between filter coffee and boiled coffee?

The main difference between filter coffee and boiled coffee lies primarily in the grind size. Filter coffee, or drip coffee, is finely ground, while boiled coffee has a coarser grind.

The different grind sizes are also tailored for different brewing methods. Filter coffee is meant for use in coffee makers, Aeropress, and brewing with a dripper and paper filter, while the coarse grind of boiled coffee is designed for preparation in a coffee pot.

As a rule, boiled coffee is also slightly lighter roasted than filter coffee. Alternatively, one could say that darker roasts are generally not sold with a coarse grind for boiled coffee.

What is French press coffee?

French press coffee has a grind size that is particularly suitable for use and preparation in a percolator and French press brewer when a smaller amount of coffee is desired. The grind is coarser than filter coffee but significantly finer than boiled coffee. It is a coffee with a rich aroma that is also suitable for use in a traditional coffee maker.

How is instant coffee made?

Instant coffee is a dried extract that dissolves in water and is produced through an industrial process where the beans are blended, roasted, ground, and brewed into a finished coffee drink similar to regular brewing. The water content is then removed through drying, typically by freeze-drying or spray-drying (hot air).

Löfbergs instant coffee is freeze-dried. This means that the liquid is evaporated into a concentrate, which is then frozen at –40°C into a thin layer that is broken into small pieces and dried under vacuum. This process helps preserve the coffee aroma but is more complex and costly than other methods.

What is the difference between espresso and lungo?

The difference between espresso and lungo is determined by the amount of water used when brewing the coffee. A lungo is essentially an espresso but with a larger amount of water.

Both espresso and lungo are made in an espresso machine, where hot water is forced through the coffee grounds under high pressure for a short time. An espresso is about 25-35 ml in size, while a lungo is approximately 60-90 ml.

Does espresso coffee contain as much caffeine as filter coffee?

Since roughly the same amount of coffee is used for a single espresso as for a cup of filter coffee, they generally contain similar amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is highly soluble, which means that in both cases, you consume approximately the same amount of caffeine, but the concentration is higher in espresso.

There are also other factors that can affect the caffeine content in coffee, such as the dosage and the type of coffee used. The caffeine content naturally varies depending on the coffee bean, but generally, it is estimated that arabica coffee contains around 1% caffeine, while robusta coffee contains approximately 2%.

Calculation example for 100% Arabica.

Dosage 8 g of coffee (caffeine content 1%) provides 80 mg of caffeine per cup.

Filter coffee 
135 ml (135 g)
Caffeine content: 80/135 = 0.6 mg/g

35 ml (35 g)
Caffeine content: 80/35 = 2.3 mg/g 

Iced Coffee och Cold Brew

Does iced coffee need to be stored in the fridge?

No. An unopened iced coffee does not need to be stored in the fridge, but we recommend drinking it chilled for the best taste experience. Our iced coffee products have a shelf life of 8 months when unopened, whether stored at room temperature or in the fridge (as long as they are kept below 25°C). However, an opened can of iced coffee should be stored in the fridge and consumed within a day.

Does Löfbergs iced coffee contain caffeine?

Yes, our iced coffee contains caffeine. It has approximately 46–51 mg of caffeine per can, depending on the flavour and recipe. For comparison, it is commonly stated that a small cup of coffee (135 ml) contains about 80 mg of caffeine.

What does Löfbergs iced coffee contain?

Our ICE products are milk-based or oat-based tea/coffee beverages. We have developed a variety of flavour profiles, ranging from a sweet and salty heavenly taste experience in our Salted Caramel to a more coffee-dominant profile in our Espresso + Milk, as well as a sweet and spicy Chai Latte.

What allergens does Löfbergs iced coffee contain?

Several of Löfbergs ICE products are milk-based and therefore contain lactose. Espresso + Milk contains the thickening agent guar gum, which may cause a reaction in individuals with a peanut allergy.

What is the difference between Cold Brew and iced coffee?

The key difference between Cold Brew and iced coffee lies in the preparation method and temperature of the coffee. Cold Brew is brewed with cold water over a long period, resulting in a sweeter and smoother coffee taste, almost completely without bitterness. Iced coffee, on the other hand, is made from hot-brewed coffee that is then cooled down. This leads to the two types having completely different taste experiences.

What is Cold Brew?

Cold Brew, also known as cold-brewed coffee, is made by brewing coffee with cold water for 16 hours, which results in a sweeter and smoother coffee taste, almost completely without bitterness.

Does Cold Brew contain any artificial additives?

Does Cold Brew contain any artificial additives?

Does Cold Brew taste different from hot-brewed coffee?

Yes! Cold Brew coffee actually tastes a little different from hot-brewed coffee. Brewing coffee with cold water results in a sweeter and smoother coffee taste, almost completely without bitterness.

Coffee and Health

Can coffee cause high blood pressure?

Drinking coffee can cause a slight and temporary increase in blood pressure, but people who drink coffee regularly do not have higher blood pressure than those who do not drink coffee. Most likely, it is the caffeine in coffee that causes this temporary rise in blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure and are concerned about drinking coffee, decaffeinated coffee may be a good alternative.

Is coffee diuretic?

No, coffee is not actually diuretic in itself, but it can make you need to urinate more quickly. The caffeine in coffee stimulates the kidneys to produce urine. However, this does not mean that you lose more fluids.

Is drinking coffee healthy?

Yes, moderate coffee consumption can actually be considered beneficial and may even have a positive effect on our health!

In addition to being stimulating and improving concentration and memory, research has shown that those who drink 3–4 cups of coffee per day have a reduced risk of developing cirrhosis, type 2 diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease.

Is coffee addictive?

Coffee is not addictive in the same way as, for example, nicotine. However, it naturally contains the mildly stimulating substance caffeine, which makes us feel more alert. Some people who are used to drinking coffee and suddenly stop may experience temporary headaches. However, it usually only takes a few days for the body to adjust, and changing coffee consumption is generally not a problem.

Which coffee is the most gentle on the stomach?

A common belief is that lighter coffee roasts are the gentlest on the stomach, but this is not actually true. Coffee contains several organic acids that break down during darker roasting. A lightly roasted coffee, such as medium-roasted coffee or boiled coffee, is therefore often more acidic, while a dark-roasted filter coffee may be slightly gentler on the stomach.

Is it dangerous to drink coffee when pregnant?

The short answer is no, moderate coffee consumption is not dangerous during pregnancy. However, there is some proven risk for pregnant women who drink large amounts of coffee.

Studies have shown that high caffeine intake during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, delayed fetal growth, and other pregnancy-related issues. It is therefore recommended that pregnant women limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg per day, which corresponds to approximately 2–3 standard-sized cups of coffee.

Is it dangerous to drink coffee when breastfeeding?

No, it is not dangerous to drink coffee when breastfeeding. The small amount of caffeine transferred to the baby through breast milk is so minimal that it does not harm the child.

Which nutritional content does coffee have?

Since it is not the roasted coffee itself that is consumed but an extract (i.e., brewed or boiled), the nutritional content of the drink is what is relevant.

For 100 ml of filter coffee, the values are as follows:
Energy (kcal) 0,0 
Energy (kJ) 0,0 
Carbohydrates (g) 0,30 
Fat (g) 0,00 
Protein (g) 0,00 

100 ml of ready-to-drink freeze-dried coffee (instant coffee) contains:
Energy (kcal) 2,0 
Energy (kJ) 8,5 
Carbohydrates (g) 0,40 
Fat (g) 0,00 
Protein (g) 0,10 

Does coffee contain antioxidants?

Yes, coffee contains antioxidants. A study in Switzerland* has shown that coffee has a strong antioxidative effect – even up to four times more effective than green tea.

Antioxidants are substances that counteract the harmful effects of so-called free radicals. Free radicals are normally formed in various processes in the body, such as during illness or strenuous work.

*J. Agric. Food Chem, 49, 3438-3442, 2001. 


How do I measure the right amount of filter coffee?

To get truly great coffee from your coffee maker, the dosage is crucial. For the best results, use 1 coffee scoop/tablespoon per 150 ml of water (6–8 g per 150 ml). The ideal brewing temperature is 92–96°C, as this allows the coffee to develop its full aroma and strength.

Also, make sure to store your coffee in a dry and cool place, preferably in the fridge, in a well-sealed original package to best preserve the coffee’s aromas.

An opened package should be used within 10–14 days.

How do you brew good coffee?

For your filter coffee to taste its best, it is important to take care of your coffee maker. For the best results, clean your coffee maker and equipment regularly. Then, simply follow these steps:

  • Use coffee that has been stored protected from both air and heat
  • Use a clean filter (can be rinsed before brewing)
  • Pour in the correct amount of fresh, cold water 
  • Add the right amount of coffee (6–8 g per 150 ml of water)
  • Say a little prayer that your coffee maker is up to the task and keeps a steady water temperature of 92–96°C

How do you make just one cup of coffee?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to prepare just one cup of coffee (at least if you want really good coffee).

The brewing time would be too short for the coffee’s delicate aromas to fully develop. To extract the best flavours, coffee and water need to be in contact for 5–6 minutes, which is not possible in a coffee maker for just one cup as the water volume is too small.

One alternative for making just one cup is to use instant coffee or French press coffee.

What grind should I use for a percolator?

For a percolator, a slightly coarser grind is most suitable. Löfbergs French press coffee has a grind that is specifically adapted for use in percolators and French press brewers. It is a slightly coarser ground coffee with a rich aroma that also works well in a traditional coffee maker.

Can you use French press coffee in a coffee maker?

French press coffee has a coarser grind than regular filter coffee and is specially adapted for brewing in percolators and French press brewers. However, French press coffee also works perfectly well in a traditional coffee maker.

How do you boil coffee?

Boiled coffee, as the name suggests, is best prepared by “boiling” it in a coffee pot. To make a really good boiled coffee, simply follow these steps:

  • Keep your coffee pot clean (for the best flavour, it is important to take care of your coffee equipment)
  • Add the ground coffee beans directly into a coffee pot with cold, fresh water (about 65 g of coffee per litre of water)
  • Let the coffee simmer without boiling
  • Wait and let the coffee settle for about 5 minutes

Ps. If the coffee boils, some of the delicate aromas are lost, and the coffee develops a more bitter taste. A few drops of cold water in the spout help the grounds sink to the bottom.

How do you make a caffè latte?

A caffè latte is made by preparing a double espresso in a tall glass and then topping it up with warm, frothed milk. The standard ratio is 20 percent coffee and 80 percent warm milk. A caffè latte is served in a glass.

How do you make iced coffee?

Cold coffee is becoming increasingly popular, but how do you make a really good iced coffee yourself? We think it tastes best when made like this:

  • Prepare a single espresso in a tall glass
  • Stir in one teaspoon of organic cane sugar (as the sugar melts, the espresso becomes creamy)
  • Pour in 150 ml of ice-cold milk to give the drink a golden colour
  • Serve with ice cubes made from dark roasted black coffee


Why do you work with sustainable development?

We work with sustainable development because it is part of our core values to take responsibility for our surroundings. Since the company was founded in 1906, we have had a genuine commitment to the community around us. At that time, the focus was on the local community. Today, we can work both locally and globally to take responsibility for people and the environment, from bean to cup. For us, it is only natural that coffee should both taste good and do good.

Does Löfbergs coffee come from fair plantations?

We do everything we can to ensure that all the coffee we buy and sell is handled fairly at every stage. Some examples of this are:

  • We travel a lot and visit coffee farmers and their families (on average 150 days per year)
  • We purchase coffee directly from the producing countries, as close to the source as possible. This also allows us to better trace the coffee’s origin
  • We build long-term relationships with our suppliers to help influence development
  • We have a code of conduct that all suppliers of raw coffee have signed
  • We buy a lot of certified coffee, meaning coffee that has been grown according to recognised certification standards. An independent party ensures these standards are met
  • We are one of the world’s largest importers of organic and Fairtrade-certified coffee

How is the coffee transported from the plantations to the shops?

For us, it has always been important to take responsibility for people and the environment all the way from cultivation to the final consumer. The journey from coffee farms to our roastery in Karlstad is long, so it is important for us to minimise our impact through smart transportation. We therefore transport our coffee by boat and train all the way to our roastery, and by packing smarter, we can reduce the number of transports.

For distribution to stores, we set high environmental requirements when procuring freight services. We use the QIII tool to assist in assessing and evaluating transport buyers, ensuring that procurement includes criteria for better working conditions, traffic safety, and environmental standards for heavy road transport and passenger transport.

What do you do with waste and emissions from the factory in Karlstad?

We sort all our waste. The only by-product we have is called “chaff,” a thin layer that comes off the coffee bean when it is roasted. This is then processed into pellets and used for incineration as biofuel. Cardboard packaging is compressed and sent for recycling, as is shrink wrap and stretch film made from PE plastic. Office paper is also recycled.

Combustible waste is sent to Karlstad’s advanced incineration plant, where the energy is recovered and used for district heating. Additionally, we sort glass, metal scrap, fluorescent tubes, compost, electronic waste, and more, all of which are sent for recycling.

What does certified coffee mean?

Certified coffee means that there is a certification label on the packaging, such as organic, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, or UTZ.

To be labelled with such an eco-certification, the coffee must be grown on farms that meet recognised standards for the specific certification. This is monitored at every stage, from the farmer to the final producer. The different certifications we use have slightly different focuses, but all aim to positively impact people and the environment.

What does Rainforest Alliance stand for?

What does Fairtrade stand for?

Fairtrade also works to:

  • Ensure farmers and workers receive improved economic conditions
  • Provide premiums for investments in local communities and businesses
  • Counteract child labour and discrimination
  • Promote democracy and workers’ rights
  • Encourage environmental consideration and ecological production

How much of the price paid in stores goes to the farmer who grew the Fairtrade coffee?

A farmer who grows Fairtrade coffee typically receives about half of what you pay for it in the shop. However, this amount can vary depending on factors such as raw material prices, exchange rates, and other economic conditions.

One of the key benefits of Fairtrade is that farmers are always guaranteed a minimum price that covers production costs, regardless of how low the global market price is. Additionally, a premium is paid, which is used to develop local communities, such as building new schools and healthcare facilities.

Do the extra money I pay for Fairtrade really reach the coffee farmer?

All certified coffee has an ID number that follows the coffee throughout the entire journey from the coffee farmer or cooperative to the coffee roastery. This ensures that the origin of the coffee can always be traced, and it also allows verification that the money reaches the coffee farmers.

It is also possible to see how the additional Fairtrade premium received by the cooperative has been used. This might include building new roads, vaccinations, education, or technical equipment. We also see the impact firsthand when we travel and meet coffee farmers to observe the developments taking place on-site.

What is International Coffee Partners?

Together with other family-owned coffee companies, we founded International Coffee Partners in 2001. It is a non-profit organisation aimed at funding and running development projects to improve the living conditions of small-scale coffee farmers. The goal is to strengthen the competitiveness of coffee growers by increasing both productivity and quality, thereby improving livelihoods in a sustainable way. The core method is to provide help for self-sufficiency, and many initiatives focus on education and practical training.

What are the biggest challenges in the coffee industry today?

There are significant challenges in the coffee industry, including climate change, economic imbalances in the coffee value chain, and maintaining interest in coffee farming among future generations.

Climate change leads to unpredictable weather conditions, ranging from heavy rainfall to prolonged droughts, all of which negatively affect both quality and harvests. This, in turn, makes it more difficult for coffee farmers to earn a living and influences whether future generations will continue farming coffee. In the long run, this threatens the availability of high-quality coffee.

Does organic coffee taste different?

Not really. It is not the fact that the coffee is organic that determines how it tastes but rather which beans have been used, the type of coffee bean, the quality, when it was harvested, how it was roasted, how it is prepared, and so on.

Of course, it may taste better simply because you know it has been grown in a way that is better for the environment (and for the people)!


How should ICE packaging be disposed of?

Do not throw the packaging in the general waste!

Our ICE products are packed in CartoCan® – a carton-based solution made from renewable raw materials, which should be recycled as paper at the nearest recycling station. The small sealing strip (lid) is made of aluminium and should be sorted as metal.

How should coffee packaging be sorted?

Coffee packaging should be sorted as follows:

  • The paper should be recycled as paper packaging
  • The bag should be recycled as plastic
  • Filters with coffee grounds should be sorted as food waste and can be composted

Why do you use paper around the coffee packaging?

Our coffee packaging for ground coffee consists of a protective paper wrap around a thin plastic bag. This combination helps reduce the amount of plastic used without compromising flavours and aromas.

How can your coffee packaging have such a long shelf life?

The shelf life of an unopened coffee package can be so long because we pack it without oxygen, which helps preserve the coffee’s aromas. It is also important that the packaging material has a high barrier to prevent oxygen from entering and aromas from escaping.

We guarantee that the coffee will taste and perform just as well as freshly roasted throughout its shelf life, as long as it is stored in an airtight package. An opened package should be stored in a well-sealed, dark, and cool place, preferably in the fridge. This way, the coffee will maintain its flavour for about 14 days after opening.

Why is there no ingredient list on the packaging?

There is no ingredient list on our packaging because the term “coffee” may only be used for products that exclusively contain roasted coffee beans. This means there are no other ingredients in the coffee we package. If coffee beans are blended with other ingredients, this must be clearly stated in an ingredient list.


Which country drinks the most coffee?

The country that drinks the most coffee is Finland. With an average consumption of around 12 kilos per person per year, they are by far at the top of the list. Next on the list is Norway, with approximately 9.9 kilos, followed closely by Iceland (9 kilos), Denmark (8.7 kilos), the Netherlands (8.4 kilos), and then Sweden (8.2 kilos).

Looking at the global scale, the Nordic countries (plus the Netherlands) dominate the list of the world’s biggest coffee drinkers. Many people believe that Sweden consumes the most coffee, but with 8.2 kilos per person, Sweden only ranks sixth.

Which coffee filter should I choose?

102 and 1×4 are designations for different filter sizes. The choice of coffee filter depends on the angle and size of the brewing funnel.

Filters with designations 1×2, 1×4, and 1×6 have the same angle but different heights – approximately 100, 125, and 150 mm, respectively. Filters labelled 101 and 102 have a smaller angle and heights of approximately 95 and 115 mm.

For the best brewing results, it is important that the filter’s angle matches the brewing funnel. The filter should rest against the sides of the funnel to allow water to flow through the coffee bed and along the sides of the funnel. The height of the filter is also crucial for determining how many cups you want to brew.

What is the oil seen on the surface of coffee?

The oil seen on the surface of coffee comes from the coffee beans and is a natural part of them. When coffee beans are roasted, the oil is released.

The coffee bean is the seed of the coffee cherry, and like all seeds, it is rich in energy (the fat content of coffee oil is around 17 percent). However, during the brewing process, most of the oil remains in the grounds. The small amount of oil that appears as a film on the surface of the cup does not contribute any significant energy to the diet. However, coffee equipment can become greasy from the oils and should be cleaned with hot water and washing-up liquid to prevent bad flavours from affecting freshly brewed coffee.

Why are the beans oily?

Coffee beans contain fat, and when they are roasted, this is released in the form of oil. Coffee oil is a natural part of the coffee bean, and the essential oils carry much of the coffee’s flavour. The oil content varies between different beans, and a high oil content is often a sign of high-quality coffee.

Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to prevent the oil from emerging from the coffee bean during roasting. The darker the roast, the more oil is released from the bean. Sometimes, the oil can cause issues with grinding, which is why it is important to clean your grinder regularly.

How much caffeine is in tea?

Caffeine is found in most types of tea, but the amount varies depending on how much tea is used and what type of tea it is. Generally, a cup of tea contains between 15 and 22 mg of caffeine per 100 ml, whereas coffee contains around 45 mg of caffeine per 100 ml.

Black tea has the highest caffeine content, followed by green tea, while white tea has the least.

When was Löfbergs founded?

Löfbergs was founded in 1906, and our passion for coffee has been going strong ever since. It all began when brothers Anders, John, and Josef Löfberg sold Löfbergs coffee over the counter in the local area. For over a hundred years, our love for coffee that both tastes good and does good has guided us, and today, Löfbergs coffee is served all over the world.

Who owns Löfbergs?

The Löfbergs coffee roastery is a family-owned company founded in 1906 by brothers Anders, John, and Josef Löfberg. Today, over a hundred years later, the company is still owned by the Löfberg family, now in the third and fourth generations.